Commission Information

Commission Status: Commissions are currently closed.

This page has general information about different kinds of comissions, pricing, and instructions on requesting a commission.

-A pencil drawing with some shading and detail.
  • Bust - $15
  • Waist-up - $25
  • Full body - $40
Line art/Flat Color
- Digital illustration with lines and optional flat colors.
- Prices
  • Bust - $25
  • Waist-up - $35
  • Full Body - $50
Full Illustration
-A fully finished illustration with shading and simple backgrounds.
  • Bust - $40
  • Waist-up - $55
  • Full Body - $75

The fine print

  1. The above prices don't account for extra people, elaborate props, or complicated backgrounds/environments. Usually these need to be quoted separately. These extra items can be addressed during intial pricing of a commission request.
  2. Half of payment is due when the commission is started as a deposit, the other half is due at completion. If I am unable to complete the commissioned work and choose to cancel it, then a refund will occur. If a client cancels a commission after I have already started it, deposit refunds are not guranteed.
  3. Progress updates will be provided through the course of the illustration and feedback is welcome. Major adjustments close to completion may require a change order fee.